Li P; Liu T; Chang H; Kalitsov A; Zhang W; Csaba György; Li W; Richardson D; DeMann A; Rimal G; Dey H; Jiang JS; Porod W; Field SB; Tang J; Marconi MC; Hoffmann A; Mryasov O; Wu M:
Spin-orbit torque-assisted switching in magnetic insulator thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.
ISSN 2041-1723
Mű típusa: |
Szerző azonosítók: |
Név | ORCID | MTMT szerző azonosító |
Li P | | | Liu T | | | Chang H | | | Kalitsov A | | | Zhang W | | | Csaba György | | 10057150 | Li W | | | Richardson D | | | DeMann A | | | Rimal G | | | Dey H | | | Jiang JS | | | Porod W | | | Field SB | | | Tang J | | | Marconi MC | | | Hoffmann A | | | Mryasov O | | | Wu M | | |
Absztrakt (kivonat): |
As an in-plane charge current flows in a heavy metal film with spin-orbit coupling, it produces a torque on and thereby switches the magnetization in a neighbouring ferromagnetic metal film. Such spin-orbit torque (SOT)-induced switching has been studied extensively in recent years and has shown higher efficiency than switching using conventional spin-transfer torque. Here we report the SOT-assisted switching in heavy metal/magnetic insulator systems. The experiments used a Pt/BaFe12O19 bilayer where the BaFe12O19 layer exhibits perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. As a charge current is passed through the Pt film, it produces a SOT that can control the up and down states of the remnant magnetization in the BaFe12O19 film when the film is magnetized by an in-plane magnetic field. It can reduce or increase the switching field of the BaFe12O19 film by as much as about 500 Oe when the film is switched with an out-of-plane field. |
Folyóirat/kiadvány címe: |
Évszám: |
2016 |
Kötet: |
7 |
2041-1723 |
Intézmény: |
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem |
Kar: |
Információs Technológiai és Bionikai Kar (2013.07.-) |
Nyelv: |
angol |
MTMT rekordazonosító: |
3127671 |
Dátum: |
2024. Nov. 28. 14:49 |
Utolsó módosítás: |
2024. Nov. 28. 14:49 |
URI: | |
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