The Use of Microdialysis Techniques in Mice to Study P-gp Function at the Blood-Brain Barrier

Sziraki I; Erdő Franciska; Trampus P; Sike M; Molnár Petra Magdolna; Narozsnikné Rajnai Zsuzsanna; Molnár Judit; Wilhelm Imola Mária; Fazakas Csilla; Kis Emese; Krizbai István Adorján; Krajcsi Péter: The Use of Microdialysis Techniques in Mice to Study P-gp Function at the Blood-Brain Barrier.
JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR SCREENING, 18 (4). pp. 430-440. ISSN 1087-0571 (2013)

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Mű típusa: Folyóiratcikk
Szerző azonosítók:
NévORCIDMTMT szerző azonosító
Sziraki I
Erdő Franciska10044620
Trampus P
Sike M
Molnár Petra Magdolna10028681
Narozsnikné Rajnai Zsuzsanna10044158
Molnár Judit10027878
Wilhelm Imola Mária0000-0003-2366-733710013652
Fazakas Csilla0000-0001-7822-588110024969
Kis Emese10089178
Krizbai István Adorján10008997
Krajcsi Péter0000-0002-4450-595410009464
Absztrakt (kivonat): An integrated assay system involving dual/triple-probe microdialysis techniques in rats was developed earlier for testing interactions with P-glycoprotein (P-gp) at the blood-brain barrier using quinidine/PSC-833 as a P-gp substrate/inhibitor combination. The aim of the present study was to expand our assay system to mice using microdialysis with simultaneous sampling of blood and brain and to compare the result with a primary mouse brain endothelial cell monolayer (pMBMEC) assay. Brain penetration of quinidine was dose dependent in both anesthetized and awake mice after intraperitoneal drug administration. PSC-833 pretreatment caused a 2.5- to 3.4-fold increase in quinidine levels of brain dialysate samples in anesthetized or awake animals, after single or repeated administration of PSC-833. In pMBMEC, a 2.0- to 2.5-fold efflux ratio was observed in the transcellular transport of quinidine. The P-gp-mediated vectorial transport of quinidine was eliminated by PSC-833. These results indicate that quinidine with PSC-833 is a good probe substrate-reference inhibitor combination for testing drug-drug interactions with P-gp in the in vivo and in vitro mouse systems. With increasing number of humanized transgenic mice, a test system with mouse microdialysis experimentation becomes more important to predict drug-drug interactions in humans.
Évszám: 2013
Kötet: 18
Szám: 4
Oldalak: pp. 430-440
ISSN: 1087-0571
Intézmény: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
Kar: Információs Technológiai és Bionikai Kar (2013.07.-)
Nyelv: angol
MTMT rekordazonosító: 2169930
DOI azonosító: 10.1177/1087057112468156
Scopus azonosító: 84875712186
WoS azonosító: 000318352000007
Dátum: 2025. Már. 07. 13:57
Utolsó módosítás: 2025. Már. 07. 13:57

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