PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW című kiadvány cikkei

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Válasszon: 2016
Találatok száma: 25.


Aáry-Tamás Lajos: The Role of the Ombudsman for Educational Rights in Hungary.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 57-60. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Benjáminné Szigeti Magdolna: Die Rechtlichen Hintergründe der Vertreibung der Ungarndeutschen Nach 1945.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 387-396. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Berkes Lilla: Multani v. Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys, Supreme Court Of Canada, 2006.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 73-78. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Charles L. Glenn: Strengthening Civil Society.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 31-55. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

David Reader: Accommodating Public Interest Considerations in Domestic Merger Control : Empirical Insights.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 211-269. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Gerencsér Balázs Szabolcs: Education of Linguistic Communities in CEE and the role of the NGOs in this regard : What does the CoE see?
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 61-71. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Gerencsér Balázs Szabolcs; Gyöngyösi Kata: The Justiciability of the Prior Right to Education : Summary of an International Conference held at the PPCU, 2016.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Ingo Richter: One Million Asylum Seekers in Germany (2015/16) : The Role of the Civil Society in their Education and Training.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 87-94. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Jan De Groof: On the Implementation and Justiciability of the Right to Education.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 11-22. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Jan de Groof; Gerencsér Balázs Szabolcs: Editorial of the International Journal for Education Law and Policy and the Pázmány Law Review.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 5-6. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Maciej Bernatt; Marcin Mleczko: Public Interest and a Place for Non-Competition Considerations in Polish Competition Law.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 325-338. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Maria Smirnova: The Role of International Human Rights Mechanisms in Strengthening Justiciability of the Right to Education in the Russian Federation.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 95-124. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Mondtserrat Gas-Aixendri: Freedom to Belong and Freedom to Leave Religious Communities According to the European Court of Human Rights Case Law.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 363-373. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Nagy Aranka: Institutional Design of Enforcing : Public Interest Considerations in Merger Control.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 183-210. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Or Brook: The Disappearance Of Article 101(3) In The Realm Of Regulation 1/2003 : An Empirical Coding.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 271-288. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Paolo G. Carozza: On the Vocation of a Catholic University in the Decline of the Modern Age.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 125-130. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Radványi Anna Mária: Circumvenio im römischen Kaufvertrag.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 377-386. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Rebecca Haw Allensworth: Antitrust Scrutiny for the Occupations: North Carolina Dental and its Impact on U.S. Licensing Boards.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 169-182. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Rozsnyai F. Krisztina: Hungary’s New Code on Administrative Court Procedures.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 77-85. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Sih Yulianna Wahyuningtyas: Safeguarding Public Interests in Self-Regulating Platform : An Option for Online Transportation Network Industry in Indonesia?
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 289-313. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Szilágyi Pál: Smashing Pumpkins : Interventions to the Economy in Hungary, from a Competition Policy Perspective.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 315-323. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Szuromi Szabolcs Anzelm: Relation Between the Religious Freedom and Right to Education on the Basis of Human Dignity.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Tóth Tihamér: The shadow of the state : Antitrust liability and state action in the EU and the U.S.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 133-167. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Ujházi Lóránd: Humanitarian and Pastoral Furtherance of Refugees in the Catholic Church.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 341-364. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Viola Heutger: Larry Siedentop: Die Erfindung des Individuums – der Liberalismus und die Westliche Welt.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 395-397. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2025. February 23. 03:59:04 CET.