Böngészés, Folyóiratcikk, cím szerint
- Occurrence of Ordered and Disordered Structural Elements in Postsynaptic Proteins Supports Optimization for Interaction Diversity (1)
- Okos adózás, mint a fenntartható adójog pillére? (1)
- Okos adóztatás, okos adóreform - adópolitikai alapvetések (1)
- Oktatási jogok perspektívái 20 éves távlatban (1)
- Olyan esetekről, amikor a természetjog győzőtt a hasznosság fölött. [Wolfgang Waldstein előadása díszdoktorrá avatása alkalmából. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem II. János Pál Díszterme, 2012. március 29.] (1)
- On „Common Good” : Between Tradition and Contemporary Social Contexts (1)
- One Million Asylum Seekers in Germany (2015/16) : The Role of the Civil Society in their Education and Training (1)
- On law and truth: Lectio magistralis on the occasion of the awarding of the honorific title of ‘Distinguished Scholar of Natural Law’ (1)
- Online Platforms and Legal Responsibility : A Contemporary Perspective in View of the Recent U.S. Developments (1)
- On the discrimination between nucleation and propagation in nanomagnetic logic devices (1)
- On the horns of a dilemma. Redesigning the pension systems in Europe (1)
- On the Implementation and Justiciability of the Right to Education (1)
- On the Periphery of the European Social Sciences : A Scientometric Analysis of Publication Performance, Excellence, and Internal Bias in Social Sciences in the Visegrad Countries (1)
- On the Vocation of a Catholic University in the Decline of the Modern Age (1)
- Origins of direct democracy: conflict, independence, democratic transformation (1)