Time-keeping and decision-making in living cells: Part I

Tyson John J.; Csikász-Nagy Attila; Gonze Didier; Kim Jae Kyoung; Santos Silvia; Wolf Jana: Time-keeping and decision-making in living cells: Part I.
INTERFACE FOCUS, 12 (3). ISSN 2042-8898 (2022)

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Szerző azonosítók:
NévORCIDMTMT szerző azonosító
Tyson John J.
Csikász-Nagy Attila0000-0002-2919-560110012379
Gonze Didier
Kim Jae Kyoung0000-0001-7842-2172
Santos Silvia
Wolf Jana
Absztrakt (kivonat): To survive and reproduce, a cell must process information from its environment and its own internal state and respond accordingly, in terms of metabolic activity, gene expression, movement, growth, division and differentiation. These signal-response decisions are made by complex networks of interacting genes and proteins, which function as biochemical switches and clocks, and other recognizable information-processing circuitry. This theme issue of Interface Focus (in two parts) brings together articles on time-keeping and decision-making in living cells-work that uses precise mathematical modelling of underlying molecular regulatory networks to understand important features of cell physiology. Part I focuses on time-keeping: mechanisms and dynamics of biological oscillators and modes of synchronization and entrainment of oscillators, with special attention to circadian clocks.
Folyóirat/kiadvány címe: INTERFACE FOCUS
Évszám: 2022
Kötet: 12
Szám: 3
ISSN: 2042-8898
Intézmény: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
Kar: Információs Technológiai és Bionikai Kar (2013.07.-)
Nyelv: angol
MTMT rekordazonosító: 32880136
Dátum: 2024. Nov. 18. 16:07
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Nov. 18. 16:07
URI: https://publikacio.ppke.hu/id/eprint/1700

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