Speeding up nanomagnetic logic by DMI enhanced Pt/Co/Ir films

Ziemys G; Ahrens V; Mendisch S; Csaba György; Becherer M: Speeding up nanomagnetic logic by DMI enhanced Pt/Co/Ir films.
AIP ADVANCES, 8 (5). ISSN 2158-3226 (2018)

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Szerző azonosítók:
NévORCIDMTMT szerző azonosító
Ziemys G
Ahrens V
Mendisch S
Csaba György10057150
Becherer M
Absztrakt (kivonat): We investigated a newtype of multilayer film for Nanomagnetic Logic with perpendicular anisotropy (pNML) enhanced by the Dzyaloshinskii- Moriya interaction (DMI). The DMI effect provides an additional energy term and widens the design space for pNML film optimization. In this work we added an Ir layer between Co and Pt to our standard pNML multilayer (ML) film stack - [Co/Pt] x4. Multilayer stacks of films with and w/o Ir were sputtered and patterned to nanowires of 400 nm width by means of focused ion beam lithography (FIB). For comparability of the films they were tuned to show identical anisotropy for multilayer stacks with and w/o Ir. The field- driven domainwall (DW) velocity in the nanowireswas measured by using wide- fieldMOKE microscopy. We found a strong impact of Ir on the DW velocity being up to 2 times higher compared to the standard [Co/Pt] x4 MLfilms. Moreover, the maximum velocity is reached at much lower magnetic field, which is beneficial forpNMLoperation. These results pave the way for pNML with higher clocking rates and at the same time allow a further reduce power consumption. (C) 2017 Author(s).
Folyóirat/kiadvány címe: AIP ADVANCES
Évszám: 2018
Kötet: 8
Szám: 5
ISSN: 2158-3226
Intézmény: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
Kar: Információs Technológiai és Bionikai Kar (2013.07.-)
Nyelv: angol
MTMT rekordazonosító: 3400177
Dátum: 2024. Nov. 29. 13:32
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Nov. 29. 13:32
URI: https://publikacio.ppke.hu/id/eprint/1838

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