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Találatok száma: 302.


Aldea M; Jenkins K; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Growth Rate as a Direct Regulator of the Start Network to Set Cell Size.

Andrea Nicolussi: A „juridical ecology” for the future of human nature.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 2 (2). pp. 39-49. ISSN 2064-1818 (2014)

Antonio Porras Miron: Which family could be the foundation stone of society? : Toward a definition of family relationship.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 1 (1). pp. 19-33. ISSN 2064-1818 (2013)

Apreotesei Ioana-Alina: The principle of complementarity and the International Criminal Court.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 4 (2). pp. 93-120. ISSN 1787-3223 (2008)

Atkinson, Robert: Civil society turning 21. Development of environmental civil society groups in the West Balkans. [Konferencia Kiss Sándor professzor emlékére a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karán. Budapest, 2008. okt. 18. A konferencián elhangzott előadás szerkesztett változata].
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 5 (1). pp. 67-84. ISSN 1787-3223 (2009)

Aáry-Tamás Lajos: The Role of the Ombudsman for Educational Rights in Hungary.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 57-60. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)


Bagdy-Bálint Réka; Szabó Gergely; H. Zováthi Örkény Ádám; Zováthi Bendegúz H.; Somorjai Ábris; Köpenczei Csenge; Rózsa Noémi Katinka: Accuracy of automated analysis in cephalometry.
JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES. ISSN 1991-7902 (2024) (Benyújtva)

Balogh-Békesi Nóra: The law of the European Union in the practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 1 (1). pp. 157-171. ISSN 2064-1818 (2013)

Barabás A. Tünde; Belovics Ervin (szerk.): Sapiens in sapientia : Ünnepi kötet Vókó György 70 születésnapja alkalmából.
Xenia . Pázmány Press, Országos Kriminológiai Intézet, Budapest. (2016) ISBN 9789633082812

Barabás A. Tünde; Vókó György (szerk.): A bonis bona discere : Ünnepi kötet Belovics Ervin 60. születésnapja alkalmából.
Xenia . Pázmány Press, Országos Kriminológiai Intézet, Budapest. (2017) ISBN 9789633083017

Barnóczki Dávid: The most Frequented Unfair Practices in the Beer Market in the EU and Hungary.
IUSTUM AEQUUM SALUTARE, 19 (2). pp. 113-128. ISSN 1787-3223 (2023)

Becherer M; Breitkreutz-V Gamm S; Eichwald I; Žiemys G; Kiermaier J; Csaba György; Schmitt-Landsiedel D: A monolithic 3D integrated nanomagnetic co-processing unit.
SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, 115. pp. 74-80. ISSN 0038-1101 (2016)

Belovics Ervin: Proportionality in extreme necessity.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 10 (2). pp. 127-134. ISSN 1787-3223 (2014)

Bernardini Paola: Human dignity and human capabilities in Martha C. Nussbaum. [Előadás az "Emberi méltóság és jog" konferencián. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Jog- és Államtudományi Kar. Budapest, 2010. máj. 19].
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 6 (4). pp. 45-51. ISSN 1787-3223 (2010)

Boda Zsolt: Some notes on fairness, trust and good governance.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (2). pp. 9-19. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)

Botos Katalin: Public economics and international competitiveness.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 2 (1-2). pp. 13-19. ISSN 1787-3223 (2006)

Breitkreutz-von Gamm Stephan; Papp Ádám; Egel Eugen; Meier Christian; Yilmaz Cenk; Heiss Leonhard; Porod Wolfgang; Csaba György: Design of On-Chip Readout Circuitry for Spin-Wave Devices.

Burián László; Szabó Sarolta (szerk.): Arbitrando et curriculum bene deligendo : Ünnepi kötet Horváth Éva 70. születésnapja alkalmából.
Xenia . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2014) ISBN 9789633082140

Bándi Gyula: International environmental law and Hungary. [Konferencia Kiss Sándor professzor emlékére a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karán. Budapest, 2008. okt. 18. A konferencián elhangzott előadás szerkesztett változata].
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 5 (1). pp. 27-31. ISSN 1787-3223 (2009)

Bándi Gyula (szerk.): Ünnepi kötet Boytha Györgyné tiszteletére.
PPKE JÁK, Budapest. (2002) ISBN 9639296619

Bándi Gyula; Pogácsás Anett (szerk.): Law in Times of Crisis - Jog válság idején : Selected doctoral studies - Válogatott doktorandusz tanulmányok.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Doktorandusz tanulmányok, 7 . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2023) ISBN 978-963-308-464-9 (press), 978-963-308-465-6 (online, pdf)

Bándi Gyula; Pogácsás Anett (szerk.): Stability and adaptability - Állandóság és alkalmazkodás : Selected doctoral studies - Válogatott doktorandusz tanulmányok.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Doktorandusz tanulmányok (9). Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2023)

Bándi Gyula; Pogácsás Anett (szerk.): Variációk jogi témákra : Válogatott doktorandusz tanulmányok.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Doktorandusz tanulmányok, 8 . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2023) ISBN 9789633084991

Bándi Gyula; Pogácsás Anett (szerk.): A tudomány kertjéből : Válogatott doktorandusz tanulmányok.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Doktorandusz tanulmányok, 6 . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2022) ISBN 9789633084571

Bándi Gyula; Tahyné Kovács Ágnes: Right to a (Healthy) Environment : How to Come Closer to the Implementation? Good Examples from the Practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court.
STUDIA IURIDICA LUBLINENSIA, 33 (4). pp. 163-187. ISSN 1731-6375 (2024)


Cardelli L; Hernansaiz-Ballesteros RD; Dalchau N; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Efficient Switches in Biology and Computer Science.

Cardelli L.; Laurenti L.; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Coupled membrane transporters reduce noise.

Chakravarty Suchana; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Systematic analysis of noise reduction properties of coupled and isolated feedforward loops.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 17 (12). ISSN 1553-734X (2021)

Chakravarty Suchana; Hong Christian I.; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Systematic analysis of negative and positive feedback loops for robustness and temperature compensation in circadian rhythms.

Charles L. Glenn: Strengthening Civil Society.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 31-55. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Csaba György; Papp Ádám; Porod Wolfgang: Perspectives of using spin waves for computing and signal processing.
PHYSICS LETTERS A, 381 (17). pp. 1471-1476. ISSN 0375-9601 (2017)

Csehi Zoltán: Albrecht Dürer and the Copyright.

Csehi Zoltán: Emmanuel Gaillard: A nemzetközi választottbíráskodás jogának elmélete [Legal Theory of International Arbitration]. Transl.: Korom Veronika és Metzinger Péter. Budapest, HVG-Orac, 2013.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 2 (1). pp. 191-194. ISSN 2064-1818 (2014)

Csehi Zoltán; Schanda Balázs; Sonnevend Pál (szerk.): Viva Vox Iuris Civilis : Tanulmányok Sólyom László tiszteletére 70. születésnapja alkalmából.
Xenia, Bibliotheca iuridica. Libri amicorum . Szent István Társulat, Budapest. (2012) ISBN 9789632773278

Cserne Péter; H. Szilágyi István; Könczöl Miklós; Paksy Máté; Takács Péter; Tattay Szilárd (szerk.): Theatrum Legale Mundi : symbola Cs. Varga oblata.
Xenia, Philosophiae Iuris, Bibliotheca iuridica : Libri amicorum . Szent István Társulat, Budapest. (2007) ISBN 9633617892

Csillik Péter: Competitiveness of services of general economic interest in Hungary and the EU.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 2 (1-2). pp. 21-26. ISSN 1787-3223 (2006)

Csink Lóránt: Tendencies of direct democracy in Hungary: referendums in the new Basic Law.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (4). pp. 59-64. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)

Czajlik András; Kovács Bertalan; Perttu Permi; Gáspári Zoltán: Fine-tuning the extent and dynamics of binding cleft opening as a potential general regulatory mechanism in parvulin-type peptidyl prolyl isomerases.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7. ISSN 2045-2322 (2017)

Czigle János Tamás: Religious holidays at the workplace in the European Union: issues, questions, and a note on the Achatzi-case.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 19 (1). pp. 79-108. ISSN 1787-3223 (2023)


Dalchau N; Szép G; Hernansaiz-Ballesteros R; Barnes CP; Cardelli L; Phillips A; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Computing with biological switches and clocks.
NATURAL COMPUTING, 17 (4). pp. 761-779. ISSN 1567-7818 (2018)

David Reader: Accommodating Public Interest Considerations in Domestic Merger Control : Empirical Insights.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 4 (1). pp. 211-269. ISSN 2064-1818 (2016)

Dawei, Song: Sentencing disparity in China: a descriptive research on auxiliary cybercrime stipulated by amendment IX of criminal law.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 17 (2). pp. 209-239. ISSN 1787-3223 (2021)

Deli Gergely: Do robots die?
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 16 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 1787-3223 (2020)

Dey H; Csaba György; Shah F; Bernstein GH; Porod W: Shape-Dependent Switching Behavior of Exchange-Coupled Nanomagnet Stacks.

Dey HS; Csaba György; Bernstein GH; Porod W: Study of switching behavior of exchange-coupled nanomagnets by transverse magnetization metrology.
AIP ADVANCES, 7 (5). ISSN 2158-3226 (2017)

Dinah Shelton: Building the Cathedral.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 2 (2). pp. 181-184. ISSN 2064-1818 (2014)

Doncheva-Petkova Lyudmila; Balogh Csilla; Türk Attila (szerk.): Avars, Bulgars and Magyars on the Middle and Lower Danube. Proceedings of the Bulgarian - Hungarian Meeting. Sofia, May 27-28, 2009.
Studia ad Archaeologiam Pazmaniensia, 1 . Archaeolingua Alapítvány, Budapest, 264 p. (2014) ISBN 978-963-9911-55-0

Drócsa Izabella: President becoming political convict: criminal proceedings against Mihály Károlyi in interwar Hungary with special regard to the actions due to defamation of the nation.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 18 (4). pp. 43-59. ISSN 1787-3223 (2022)

Dudola Dániel; Hinsenkamp Anett Márta; Gáspári Zoltán: Ensemble-Based Analysis of the Dynamic Allostery in the PSD-95 PDZ3 Domain in Relation to the General Variability of PDZ Structures.

Dániel Rózsa: Notes on some recent developments influencing state immunity.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)

Dürvanger Zsolt; Boros Eszter; Nagy Zoltán Attila; Hegedüs Rózsa; Megyeri Márton; Dobó József; Gál Péter; Schlosser Gitta (Vácziné); Ángyán Annamária F.; Gáspári Zoltán; Perczel András; Harmat Veronika; Mező Gábor; Karancsiné Menyhárd Dóra; Pál Gábor: Directed Evolution-Driven Increase of Structural Plasticity Is a Prerequisite for Binding the Complement Lectin Pathway Blocking MASP-Inhibitor Peptides.
ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, 17 (4). pp. 969-986. ISSN 1554-8929 (2022)


Egel E; Csaba György; Dietz A; Breitkreutz-von Gamm S; Russer J; Russer P; Kreupl F; Becherer M: Design of a 40-nm CMOS integrated on-chip oscilloscope for 5-50 GHz spin wave characterization.
AIP ADVANCES, 8 (5). ISSN 2158-3226 (2018)

Egel E; Meier C; Csaba György; Gamm SBV: Design of a CMOS integrated on-chip oscilloscope for spin wave characterization.
AIP ADVANCES, 7 (5). ISSN 2158-3226 (2017)

El Beheiri Nadja; Erdődy János (szerk.): „Ins Herz geschrieben” : Die Grundlagen des freiheitlichen Rechtsstaates.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Tanulmányok, 23 . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2014) ISBN 9789633081846

Erdődy János: Ius naturale and Naturalis Ratio. : An Attempt of Synthesis?
PÁZMÁNY LAW WORKING PAPERS, 9 (15). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2062-9648 (2018)

Erdődy János: Lex Laetoria: Why So Difficult? : Aspects and Challenges of Teaching Lex Laetoria – A case-study.
PÁZMÁNY LAW WORKING PAPERS, 11 (4). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2062-9648 (2020)

Erdődy János: A Papyrus of the Drusilla Lawsuit and its Impact on Roman Law.
PÁZMÁNY LAW WORKING PAPERS, 11 (8). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2062-9648 (2020)

Erdődy János: Reflexions on the Actual References to Ius Naturale in the Digest.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 2 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2064-1818 (2014)

Erdődy János: Rerum natura non patitur. Some remarks in the margin of rerum natura in the sources of Roman law.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 4 (4). pp. 37-46. ISSN 1787-3223 (2008)

Erdődy János: SC Claudianum – halfway between institutionalism and natural law thinking.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 16 (1). pp. 13-27. ISSN 1787-3223 (2020)

Erdődy János: Utilitas as the Delineation of the Common Good in Roman Law.
PÁZMÁNY LAW WORKING PAPERS, 5 (18). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2062-9648 (2014)


Farkas Ádám: Babelic confusion?: systemic issues in the adaptation to defence and security challenges in the transatlantic states, with special regard to the Eurasia-idea as a special aspect of hybridity.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 19 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1787-3223 (2023)

Fehér István: The rationale of sustainable agriculture.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (3). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)

Fekete Balázs: The unknown Montesquieu. An essay on Montesquieu's intellectual background.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 5 (1). pp. 151-159. ISSN 1787-3223 (2009)

Fizil Ádám; Gáspári Zoltán; Barna Teréz; Marx F; Batta Gyula: "Invisible" Conformers of an Antifungal Disulfide Protein Revealed by Constrained Cold and Heat Unfolding, CEST-NMR Experiments, and Molecular Dynamics Calculations.
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 21 (13). pp. 5136-5144. ISSN 0947-6539 (2015)

Fodor Gábor; Balogh Ádám Tamás; Hosszú Gábor László; Kovács Ferenc: Screening for congenital heart diseases by murmurs using telemedical phonocardiography.
In: 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Proceedings of the annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), San Diego (CA), pp. 6100-6103. (2012) ISBN 9781457717871

Frivaldszky János: Law, justice, and charity in the encyclical letter Caritas in veritate.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 16 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1787-3223 (2020)


G R Mudalige; M B Giles; J Thiyagalingam; Reguly István Zoltán; C Bertolli; P H J Kelly; A E Trefethen: Design and initial performance of a high-level unstructured mesh framework on heterogeneous parallel systems.
PARALLEL COMPUTING, 39 (11). pp. 669-692. ISSN 0167-8191 (2013)

Gaizer Tünde Éva; Juhász János; Pillér Bíborka; Szakadáti Helga; Pongor Csaba István; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Integrative analysis of yeast colony growth.
COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 7 (1). ISSN 2399-3642 (2024)

Gelencsér-Horváth Anna; Tornai Gábor János; Horváth András; Cserey György Gábor: Fast, parallel implementation of particle filtering on the GPU architecture.

Gerencsér Balázs; Berkes Lilla; Varga Zs. András (szerk.): A hazai és az uniós közigazgatási eljárásjog aktuális kérdései = Current Issues of the National and EU Administrative Procedures (the ReNEUAL Model Rules).
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Tanulmányok, 31 . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2015) ISBN 9789633082461

Gerencsér Balázs; Takács Péter (szerk.): Ratio Legis - Ratio Iuris : Ünnepi tanulmányok Tamás András tiszteletére 70. születésnapja alkalmából = Liber amicorum. Studia A. Tamás septuagenario dedicata.
Xenia, Bibliotheca iuridica. Libri amicorum, Pro Publico Bono . Szent István Társulat, Budapest. (2011) ISBN 9789632772578

Gerencsér Balázs Szabolcs: Protection of local indigenous communities in the scope of governance.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (2). pp. 83-94. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)

Giles M B; Mudalige G R; Bertolli C; Kelly P H J; László Endre; Reguly István Zoltán: An Analytical Study of Loop Tiling for a Large-Scale Unstructured Mesh Application.
In: 2012 SC Companion. IEEE Communications Society, Piscataway (NJ), pp. 477-482. (2012) ISBN 9781467362184

Giordan M; Csikász-Nagy Attila; Collings AM; Vaggi F: The effects of an editor serving as one of the reviewers during the peer-review process.
F1000RESEARCH, 5. ISSN 2046-1402 (2016)

Giovanni Bombelli: On „Common Good” : Between Tradition and Contemporary Social Contexts.
PÁZMÁNY LAW REVIEW, 2 (2). pp. 95-117. ISSN 2064-1818 (2014)

Gonelli M; Fin S; Carlotti G; Dey H; Csaba György; Porod W; Bernstein GH; Bisero D: Robustness of majority gates based on nanomagnet logic.
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 460. pp. 432-437. ISSN 0304-8853 (2018)

Gosztonyi Gergely; Huszár Daniella; Lendvai Gergely Ferenc: A Comparative Analysis of the Hungarian Freedom of Expression Cases before the ECtHR.

Gosztonyi Gergely; Lendvai Gergely Ferenc: Could European Media Freedom Act solve the problems of traditional media’s content in the online sphere?
Informatization Policy, 31 (1). pp. 72-82. ISSN 1598-3498 (2024)

Gosztonyi Gergely; Lendvai Gergely Ferenc: Deepfake : A Multifaceted Dilemma in Ethics and Law.
JOURNAL OF INFORMATION ETHICS, 32 (2). pp. 109-121. ISSN 1061-9321 (2023)

Gosztonyi Gergely; Lendvai Gergely Ferenc: Politicians' liability for Facebook comments : A critical assessment of the Sanchez v. France judgment of the European Court of Human Rights.
HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES, 65 (2). pp. 241-259. ISSN 2498-5473 (2024)

Grant Paul K.; Szep Gregory; Patange Om; Halatek Jacob; Coppard Valerie; Csikász-Nagy Attila; Haseloff Jim; Locke James C. W.; Dalchau Neil; Phillips Andrew: Interpretation of morphogen gradients by a synthetic bistable circuit.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11 (1). ISSN 2041-1723 (2020)

Groza, Anamaria: The reform of the institutional and law system of the European Union accomplished through the Treaty of Lisbon.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 7 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 1787-3223 (2011)

Guasoni P; Lepinette E; Rásonyi Miklós: The fundamental theorem of asset pricing under transaction costs.
FINANCE AND STOCHASTICS, 16 (4). pp. 741-777. ISSN 0949-2984 (2012)

Gurbán Györgyi: Countertrade in the world economy.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 1 (1). pp. 103-126. ISSN 1787-3223 (2005)

Gyeney Laura: Same sex couples' right to free movement in light of member states' national identities: the legal analysis of the Coman case.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 14 (2). pp. 149-171. ISSN 1787-3223 (2018)

Gyulavári Tamás: Hungary.
In: Confidentiality of information and worker participation. European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, pp. 63-81. (2024) ISBN 9782874527210; 9782874527203

Gyulavári Tamás; Kártyás Gábor: The Hungarian Flexicurity Pathway? : New Labour Code after Twenty Years in the Market Economy.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Jogtudományi monográfiák (8). Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest. (2015) ISBN 9789633082638

Gyulay Dániel: The legal history of the duality of honor concept - with particular regard to constitutional requirements.
PÁZMÁNY LAW WORKING PAPERS, 12 (12). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2062-9648 (2021)

Gáspári Zoltán: Is five percent too small? Analysis of the overlaps between disorder, coiled coil and collagen predictions in complete proteomes.
PROTEOMES, 2 (1). pp. 72-83. ISSN 2227-7382 (2014)

Géczi Kinga: The system of sanctions in electronic communications governance, with special focus on the history of changes to its rules.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (2). pp. 255-264. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)


Haitas, Daniel: The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the 2016 referendum in the Netherlands and visa liberalisation.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 14 (3). pp. 152-161. ISSN 1787-3223 (2018)

Hajnal György: Some reflections on the Hungarian discourse on (good) governance.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 9 (2). pp. 95-106. ISSN 1787-3223 (2013)

Halustyik Anna; Klicsu László (szerk.): Cooperatrici veritatis : Ünnepi kötet Tersztyánszkyné Vasadi Éva 80. születésnapja alkalmából.
Xenia . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2015) ISBN 9789633082614

Harmat Zita; Dudola Dániel; Gáspári Zoltán: DIPEND: An Open-Source Pipeline to Generate Ensembles of Disordered Segments Using Neighbor-Dependent Backbone Preferences.
BIOMOLECULES, 11 (10). ISSN 2218-273X (2021)

Harmat Zita; Szabó András László; Tőke Orsolya; Gáspári Zoltán: Different modes of barrel opening suggest a complex pathway of ligand binding in human gastrotropin.
PLOS ONE, 14 (5). ISSN 1932-6203 (2019)

Harsági Viktória: Development of the system of legal remedies in Hungarian civil procedure law after the democratic transformation.
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 4 (3). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1787-3223 (2007)

Harsági Viktória; Horváth E. Írisz; Raffai Katalin; Suri Noémi; Szabó Sarolta (szerk.): Határon átnyúló viták rendezése : Törekvések és megoldások.
A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának könyvei. Doktorandusz tanulmányok, 4 . Pázmány Press, Budapest. (2015) ISBN 9789633082430

Hegedűs Krisztina; Nagy Péter; Gáspári Zoltán; Juhász Gábor: The Putative HORMA Domain Protein Atg101 Dimerizes and Is Required for Starvation-Induced and Selective Autophagy in Drosophila.

Hernansaiz-Ballesteros RD; Cardelli L; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Single molecules can operate as primitive biological sensors, switches and oscillators.
BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, 12 (1). ISSN 1752-0509 (2018)

Hernansaiz-Ballesteros Rosa D.; Földi Csenge Anna; Cardelli Luca; Nagy László; Csikász-Nagy Attila: Evolution of opposing regulatory interactions underlies the emergence of eukaryotic cell cycle checkpoints.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11 (1). ISSN 2045-2322 (2021)

Hey, Ellen: Global environmental law: common interests and the (re)constitution of public space. [Konferencia Kiss Sándor professzor emlékére a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karán. Budapest, 2008. okt. 18. A konferencián elhangzott előadás szerkesztett változata].
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 5 (1). pp. 41-57. ISSN 1787-3223 (2009)

Horváth Ágoston Csaba; Mórocz Ákos; Csomai Borbála; Szabó Ágnes; Balogh-Lantos Zsófia; Fürjes Péter; Tóth Estilla Zsófia; Fiáth Richárd; Fekete Zoltán: Silicon Optrode with a Micromirror‐Tip Providing Tunable Beam Profile During Infrared Neuromodulation of the Rat Neocortex.

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PLOS BIOLOGY, 18 (11). ISSN 1544-9173 (2020)

Huber Anna; Hajdu Dorottya Zsuzsanna; Bratschun-Khan Doris; Gáspári Zoltán; Varbanov Mihayl; Philippot Stéphanie; Fizil Ádám; Czajlik András; Kele Zoltán; Sonderegger Christoph; Galgóczi László Norbert; Bodor Andrea; Marx Florentine; Batta Gyula: New antimicrobial potential and structural properties of PAFB: a cationic, cysteine-rich protein from Penicillium chrysogenum Q176.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8. ISSN 2045-2322 (2018)


Ingo Richter: One Million Asylum Seekers in Germany (2015/16) : The Role of the Civil Society in their Education and Training.
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Keömley-Horváth Bence; Horváth Gergely; Polcz Péter; Siklósi Bálint; Tornai Kálmán; Juhász János; Szederkényi Gábor; Cserey György Gábor; Csikász-Nagy Attila; Reguly István Zoltán: The Design and Utilisation of PanSim, a Portable Pandemic Simulator.
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Kovács Ákos; Dudola Dániel; Nyitray László; Tóth Gábor; Nagy Zoltán; Gáspári Zoltán: Detection of single alpha-helices in large protein sequence sets using hardware acceleration.
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Kovácsné Ángyán Annamária Franciska; Ortutay Csaba Péter; Gáspári Zoltán: Are proposed early genetic codes capable of encoding viable proteins?
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Kovácsné Ángyán Annamária Franciska; Perczel András; Gáspári Zoltán: Estimating intrinsic structural preferences of de novo emerging random-sequence proteins: Is aggregation the main bottleneck?
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Mondtserrat Gas-Aixendri: Freedom to Belong and Freedom to Leave Religious Communities According to the European Court of Human Rights Case Law.
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Papp Zoltán: States' interpretation of the rules of international law regarding the use of force against civil aircraft in cases before the International Court of Justice.
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Weil Tobias; Santamaria Rodrigo; Lee Wanseon; Rung Johan; Tocci Noemi; Abbey Darren; Bezerra Ana R.; Carreto Laura; Moura Gabriela R.; Bayes Monica; Gut Ivo G.; Csikász-Nagy Attila; Cavalieri Duccio; Berman Judith; Santos Manuel A. S.: Adaptive Mistranslation Accelerates the Evolution of Fluconazole Resistance and Induces Major Genomic and Gene Expression Alterations in Candida albicans.
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Wágner Tamás Zoltán: Mining fees and the criterion of selectivity or the MOL state aid case.
PÁZMÁNY LAW WORKING PAPERS, 8 (15). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2062-9648 (2017)

Wágner Tamás Zoltán: Product quality and measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions.
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A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2025. January 21. 07:14:43 CET.